“Your films are some of the most beautiful in the galleries”
– Núria Ruiz, Digital Producer at National Museums Scotland
At the beginning of 2015 we were approached by National Museums Scotland about the production of the Making the Museum series, presenting objects from the collection that were to be included in the launch of 10 new galleries in 2016. The films explore the history and significance of five unique and intriguing objects, delve into the conservation work that has been done and introduce some of the stories and characters behind them.
Making the Museum Series
- Pilcher’s Hawk
- Working Models
- The Meiseen Lion
- The Hamilton Palace Fireplace
- A French Panoramic Wallpaper
As part of the engagement with NMS we produced a suite of assets and video content for use across various platforms, including an ident (animated NMS logo) and guides for handling titles and typography.